So Strange…

Went in to Oakham today to see the castle and things, and stopped by Tesco again to get some juice and Ziploc bags.  Asked the clerk for zip top sandwich bags and they looked at me like I was CRAZY.  Found them at a Wellington’s, which is like Rite- Aid.  Who doesn’t carry sandwich bags at a grocery store???  We didn’t even see foil.  So weird.  Also – the hardest part of driving on the wrong side is that the blinker lever is on the wrong side.  I keep turning on the stupid windshield wipers….


One Response to So Strange…

  1. hans and susan says:

    we too have had our problems with
    driving on the wrong side is that the blinker lever is on the wrong side. I keep turning on the stupid windshield wipers….hans kept doing the same thing in austrialia!